Hey guys! I have two exams to study for this week so the post today is gonna be relatively short. Today I am writing about 2 Nephi chapter 4. In this chapter, Lehi passes away after finishing his speech to his posterity. First I want to take a look at verse 5 where Lehi says, "...I cannot go down to my grave save I should leave a blessing upon you..." I love that Lehi knew the importance of a father's blessing. Here at BYU, I love seeing when young men exercise the Priesthood. I have had the opportunity to go to the Provo temple and be baptized by my Priesthood holding friends. I've witnessed blessings being given, home teaching lessons being taught on time, young men preparing for their missions and it is so amazing to see the power of God all around me. This next line in verse 20 is one of my new favorites: "My God hath been my support..." President Eyring said at General Conference that if we count our blessings every day, we will begin to easily see the hand of God in our lives. I appreciate that Nephi recorded how much Heavenly Father blessed and helped his family, even in times of trial in the wilderness. They were able to survive hunger and sickness because they relied on their Heavenly Father. For the rest of the chapter, Nephi prays. He prays out of gratitude, he prays for forgiveness, he prays out of joy and faith. I encourage you to read the rest of the chapter because there are some inspiring verses and one liners in there. As you go about the week, ask yourself when "God hath been (your) support." I testify that noticing and acknowledging the hand of God in your life will bless you and open your eyes to blessings you didn't even realize you had.
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