Hello, my name is Madison and I am a college student at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah (Go Cougs!) I began this blog a year ago as a project for my Book of Mormon class, but now I'm continuing it just for fun! Stick with me and we'll discuss the gospel, current events and I may even provide handouts and church ideas....you'll just have to keep reading to find out! :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013
1 Nephi 13
Good evening all! I just got back from one heck of a BYU Men's Volleyball game (Cougs win! Woohoo!) Now that the social part of the night is over, it's time to write to you lovely people about what I have learned from 1 Nephi chapter 13. In this chapter. Nephi receives a vision on many things, the restoration of the gospel and founding of America included. First read verse 6, "And it came to pass that I beheld this great and abominable church; and I saw the devil that he was the founder of it." The principle I draw from this is that Nephi didn't have to put himself in the "abominable church", he didn't have to experience the evil for himself. Nephi simply looked and realized that this church he saw in the vision was of the devil. We don't have to experience things for ourselves to realize whether they are of the devil or of righteousness. Now, look at verse 21 where the angel showing Nephi the vision is teaching about the Book of Mormon, "The angel said unto me: Knowest thou the meaning of the book?" And to verse 22, "And I said unto him: I know not." I don't know about you, but I always feel really....inferior compared to the prophets. But, in this verse it is clear that Nephi doesn't know everything! And the Lord knows that! It is perfectly okay to have weaknesses. It is normal to not be Superman (shocking, I know). It is just humbling to know that the Lord is aware that we don't know everything, but is willing to fill in the holes as long as we are obedient and faithful. Next thought: between verses 32 and 40, the phrase "plain and simple" is used five times. The Lord is emphasizing the difference between the church of the devil and the restored gospel. One thing I take away from this is "fluff" is not needed in our gospel. The Lord does not expect you to spend hours on ward activity decorations or to labor over cute handouts for the Primary kids! The gospel is plain and simple! Sweat over staying righteous, work day in and day out to be an example to others, use your time to be a missionary and go to the temple. Sweating over the perfect CTR shaped cookie is not what the Lord had in mind. I love this gospel, and I'm so grateful we have modern day scripture to guide us. Until next time, ciao.
1 Nephi,
plain and simple,
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