Good morning readers. Are you feeling the love in the air? That's right, it's Valentine's Day week! In honor of it, give your loved ones an extra hug this week, tell them you love them, and maybe put a few heart stickers on their bedroom door or something. Anyone in need of a Valentine? I volunteer :) Okay, so back to business. Today I wanted to write about 1 Nephi 15, as you can see from the title of this post. So this whole time, Nephi has been trying to help his brothers understand the teachings of the Lord. Wouldn't it be frustrating to constantly tell your siblings something important, just to have them ignore and ridicule you? Well, in this chapter Laman and Lemuel finally express to Nephi that they just don't understand the teachings of their father. In verse 7 we read, "And they said: Behold, we cannot understand the words which our father hath spoken concerning the natural branches of the olive-tree, and also concerning the Gentiles." Now, Nephi could have easily interpreted Lehi's teachings for them, but instead he said in verse 8, "And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?" Sometimes I just hope I will be given an answer to a question I have without doing any of the work. Ask Heavenly Father, He has the answers! They may not come when or how you want them to, but they will come, you need only ask. Which brings us to verse 9, "And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known to us." Okay, of course they don't understand this stuff, they are just waiting around for answers! It is important to remember to
actively inquire of the Lord when we need answers. In verse 11 we are given three steps to achieving these answers:
1) Ask in faith 2)Believe that you will receive an answer 3)Be diligent in keeping the commandments. I am grateful for the power of prayer. I always feel more peaceful, productive, focused and happy when I have "inquired of the Lord." One last principle I took from chapter 15. In verses 13 through 18 Nephi speaks of the house of Israel and how they are a covenant people. He talks about how the Gentiles are a chosen people, a people who the gospel will be preached to and who will preach the gospel I love that the word

"chosen" is used. If we always remembered we were each chosen to be here at this time, we each have our own missions, we are each children of God, how would we act? This is such an important principle. Remember who you are! I am grateful I have had such strong women in my life who act as role models to me and who constantly remind me of my divine heritage. I am a
princess, for I am a daughter of a
I made a little handout (<-- that picture over there) so if you want to you can use it. I understand it is directed towards girls, but I'm pretty sure I don't have many Young Men's leaders reading my blog....:) Anyway, have a wonderful week readers!
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